Wednesday, July 21, 2010

UT Gardens

A few weeks ago we went over to the Gardens at UT and had a picnic lunch after our last swim lesson with Amy and her girls, Cindy and her girls and Cindy and her boys! We enjoyed sitting in the shade and talking while the kids enjoyed exploring the gardens. The boys like doing their own thing....they kinda acted like they were on an adventure. The girls enjoyed running around too. It was a very enjoyable time and we look forward to going back this Thursday for Books and Blooms!

This was the best shot of the girls!

The boys being well boys :)

The best shot of all 9 kids!

Sweet Sisters...Coy and Clara

My sweet kiddos!

The boys off "exploring"


Cindy said...

Fun pictures!! I sure did enjoy the two weeks of swim lessons and the fun picnics we had during those two weeks. So glad we got to spend that time with good friends. Are you going to take Madison down for the fall lessons? I really would like to take the girls. Bill and I have talked about it, and may do it. I really want them swimming on their own. I don't care if they know all the strokes, but I want them to be able to be in water over their heads and get to the side on their own! Lauren is very close to that point, I think, so I want her to continue while she's still comfortable in the water.

Cindy said...

I love those pictures! I don't know why I didn't bring my camera...I left it in the car. Hope you guys had fun there again today...sorry I missed it. :)

Ginger said...

I love the UT Gardens! I have some really great pictures of my boys I took while we were there. And I love that it is free! The only gardens we have like that here have an admission fee.