Sunday, July 18, 2010

Caleb's New Bike

For months Caleb has been asking for a new bike! He really wanted one for his birthday but wanted his own DS more so he has been having to save his money to get a new bike. He gets paid as a reward for having all A's so he had that money. Then he put some toys he didn't play with anymore in the yard sale to make a little more. And finally he had me put his old bike on Craigslist. On Friday a lady and her son came and bought his bike so he had all his money together to purchase his new bike. We went to Walmart on Saturday and he picked a new one out. I wish that I had my camera while at the store....I thought his face might crack from smiling by the time we got the bike down and wheeled it to the front. He was so proud! He got his wallet out at the register and gladly paid for his new bike. He has ridden every free moment since then. We even took it to Amy and Aaron's so he could ride over there. I am so proud of him for saving his money for something he really wanted!


Andrea said...

He'll probably take care of it better too. Shane's bikes have always been thrown around. But when he had to save for a new one, and a new helmet (since he left it on the ground, and the dogs ate the old one) It's been put up every night. We did have to insist that he not wheel it into his bedroom at night though. :) Yay Caleb!!!