Friday, September 30, 2011

Random Happenings!

Things have been so busy here. We seem to spend more time in our car than at home. Tennis is keeping us busy...matches on Monday and practices on Thursdays and Saturdays. Caleb is still taking tennis as well though he only practices on Thursday and isn't playing on a team yet so no matches for him. Taylor also have Girl Scouts 2 Friday's a month and we just signed Madison up for Girl Scouts though we don't know any details (when they are meeting and where).

Madison is doing good in Kindergarten. She had a list of 15 sight words she had to learn by the end of the month. She also had a homework packet that had a page for every night as well as having to read/have read to her 20 books this month. If she read all 20 books, did all her homework pages and knew all 15 sight words she received a special treat. She worked really hard to learn her words by practicing every night. Her treat was lunch with her teacher.

She has been cracking us up with funny things. A few weeks ago she informed me that George Washington was the best president ever and really missed him! I couldn't help but laugh. On Fridays at her school they can buy ice cream. Friday is our day to go to Menchie's and get a treat after I pick her up. I told her when I picked her up that maybe we shouldn't go since she already had ice cream. She was quick to inform me that Menchie's wasn't ice cream it was yogurt! Pretty good reasoning...and we ended up at Menchie's :)

Tonight Taylor went shopping with Nana so I took Madison and Caleb to see The Zookeeper at the $2 theater. Really glad we didn't waste $50 at the theater this summer. It was ok but definitely not worth spending alot of money on.

Matt is gone this is amazing how quickly drill weekends come up! Just a few more months and he will be off to CA.

Taylor has her first youth group function Saturday night. They are going to a Corn Maze. She is really excited and the weather is going to be rain and cool temps! I am so excited for her!